Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Dear Diary: That Damn Scarf

Dear Diary,

Something I've noticed since being fully immersed in public transportation in a city with people who feel the need to appear hoity toity is that everyone has the same stupid scarf. The tan one with black, white, and red stripes. 

You know the scarf. 

Yeah. This stupid thing. Everyone has it. Men. Women. Animals. I don't understand why so much of the population wants to have the same scarf as everyone else. 

But Dennis, It's April. Spring is elbowing Old Man Winter back into his celestial nursing home until next years doddering ambulations. Soon leaves will be sprouting from trees like hair from the armpits of junior high students. What concern is a scarf to you now, in the time of Day Light Savings? Besides it's from Burberry.

To that I say, shut up, Diary. It's not even a good looking scarf, and I just looked it up and it costs $300. Tell me that isn't the stupidest thing you've ever heard. You can't, because it is. 

That pattern is unattractive. It looks like couch upholstery from the 70s. I'm not willing to debate this. It's objective fact. Which makes it even more confusing that every third person I see on the subway would be wearing this overpriced piece of neckwear that doesn't even look that warm. Are we really so easily influenced by what everyone else buys that we have made a scarf a status symbol? 

Seriously, it's the color of diarrhea.



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